Standardized Achievement Testing – Crossroads does not require that you have your student tested, but we do provide an opportunity if you choose to test. Standardized Achievement Testing for Grades 3 – 12 is typically scheduled for the last week in April. These tests are useful in many ways, including providing an opportunity for homeschool students to become accustomed to standardized testing before high school and an evaluation tool for parents in planning their homeschool education. In addition, we can inform you of various online options if you are not able to come to Moody for testing.
ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) – The ASVAB Career Exploration Program provides high-quality career exploration and planning materials at no cost to upper high school students throughout the country (typically 11th graders). The program encourages students to explore a wide variety of careers by assessing their interests and skills and developing effective strategies to realize their future options and goals. This is a valuable tool in helping determine an occupational path regardless of the student’s interest in the armed services. This test is typically given in April.
AP (Advanced Placement) – While Crossroads does not offer AP classes, we do serve as an AP testing site for the northern half of Alabama, allowing students who have been pursing AP subjects on their own a place to take the official College Board AP tests, which can be converted to college credits depending on the school and score. Tests are given during the first two weeks in May according to dates set by the College Board.