From your Administrator
Hope everyone is finding their way around the new website and grading platform. All the issues have been fixed; we hope. Thank you for your patience as we are still learning a few new things.
Faculty Meetings
- Monday, March 11 at 7 p.m. at Community Presbyterian Church
- Tuesday, March 12 at 7 p.m. at Eden Westside Baptist Church
Choose the day or time that best fits your schedule. Attendance is required as part of membership. If you are providentially hindered from attending, let us know.
Quarters 1 and 2 should be turned in now. Please make sure you stay on top of your grade submissions.
Important Dual Enrollment and Grade Submission
If you have a student taking Dual Enrollment, you will need to report those grades on your quarterly submission. We understand you will not have a grade when you turn in the first quarter, but you still need to report what course your student is taking. In the comment section on the grade submission report, put that it is a Dual Enrollment course, and that you will give the grade at the end of the semester…either quarter 2 or quarter 4. Then in May/June, when you turn in your End of the Year form, make sure you have the Dual Enrollment course/s listed with the credit earned.
Senior Day
Friday, February 2, 2024
8:30 a.m. – noon
CPC- Sanctuary
Graduation will be at First Baptist Church in Trussville, and we should know the actual graduation date by the February 2nd meeting. They do not start scheduling until January, and they fill the slots their ministries need first.
This is a mandatory meeting for all seniors and at least one parent.
Balfour representative will be there to take orders for caps & gowns, graduation announcements, and other senior stuff. We’ll discuss other topics pertinent to graduation and afterwards (like soft skills).
Leslie Howard will be scheduling tux and drape pictures if you want to have them made in the afternoon. There is a $20 sitting fee that is due that day. Call Leslie at (205) 706-4623 to make this appointment.
Details will be sent in an email to all senior families closer to the meeting time.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
CPC Sanctuary
Fee: $10 (to be paid by March 21)
If your kindergarten student plans to participate in graduation, please contact Jenny Bartz at the office by Thursday March 12, and let her know your student’s name and that you are interested in participating.
Rehearsal will be at 5:30 p.m. on the same day as graduation. Parents will order caps, gowns, and diplomas at . The Oak Hill Cap and Gown Company suggests ordering 3-4 weeks in advance to allow for processing and shipping. Select the “Complete Kindergrad Package” ($17.95). White Gown & White Tassel. Follow directions for size.
Students MUST arrive and be ready for practice no later than 5:30 pm on graduation night. You are free to invite as many friends and family as you wish. It is VERY important that students attend the rehearsal. Please bring your child’s BLANK diploma to rehearsal. Each student should memorize a verse (of your choosing) to be recited on graduation night. Please bring the scripture (written out in the version they will recite) to rehearsal. This is NOT mandatory but it is a nice part of graduation.
For any questions, contact Jenny Bartz at the office.
Coffee Connections: Encouragement for Moms of Students with learning differences.
Coffee Connections: Tuesday, February 27th, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Meetings are held at the home of Jessica Gilbert, 205-352-7897
940 Honeysuckle Lane, Leeds, Alabama 35094 (Yellow House on Honeysuckle)
Come enjoy a mom time out with a time of encouragement. We will be talking about family mission statements, rhythms and resets.
Join the Remind Thread for announcements and text/email reminders of upcoming meetings:
TEXT: @bcb6784
Beat the rush: order and pay for your 2023-2024 yearbook at the faculty meeting or at CheddarUp. The cost is still $40.
Ads in our yearbook help us keep the cost at $40. Please consider putting an ad in our yearbook this year. Contact either Jenny Bartz or Trinity Whitfield.
As you know, the yearbook is only as good as the photos that are submitted. The yearbook staff will be working all year to create a keepsake to remember CRCS year 2023-2024.
We need your help. You can do this by staying on top of your photos and submit them quickly so the staff can “do their thing!” As your student participates in field trips, dances, home activities, individual sports, or arts, take photos! Pick the best of the best and upload them to our eshare site. We will allow 2 weeks after an event for photos to be uploaded and then the staff will make the pages. So, for your student to be represented we need your photos so upload them right away.
Here is the link but remember you can ALWAYS find this link on our website.
Please use the code: CROSSROADS2015
St. Clair County 4th Grade History Fair
February 21 – 23, 2024
Each year the St. Clair Historical Society sponsors the county-wide 4th Grade History Fair. This is a hands-on activity resulting from historical research and creative thinking. The 4th Graders create projects based on historical churches, schools, persons, areas, events, industry, crafts, etc. from the history of our county. Ribbons and cash prizes are given at the local school level and the 1st place winner from each school goes to the county where 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place county-wide winners are selected.
As the students learn about the history behind their project, they gain a greater appreciation for their heritage and often bridge the generation gap by interviewing grandparents or elder friends and relatives.
If you would like your 4th grader to participate, contact the office for information.
Center for Parent and Youth Understanding Event
Biblical Truth about Sex and Gender in Today’s World.
Friday, February 2nd 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday, February 3rd 9 a.m. – Noon
Grace Community Church
Free Event – Registration Required.
See Flyer above for Details.
We have cleared the CRCS calendar for this event. Walt Mueller from CPYU is excellent at communicating topics in our culture that concern our youth today. I encourage each of you with teens and tweens to attend. We need to know our culture so we can walk well with those we love. This event is for anyone who cares about young people. Grandparents, youth workers/leaders, and CRCS parents. I know I will be there! Join me!– Jenny Bartz
Tuesday through Friday, April 30 – May 3, 2024
$30 per student
Order early so we will know if we have enough to test.
Deadline for payment to Crossroad’s office or at faculty meeting March 12.
10:00 am-12:00 pm | Grades 3, 4, 5, 6
1-3 pm | Grades 7, 8
Tues-Wed 1-4 pm | Grades 9-12
Crossroads does not require that you have your student tested, but we do provide an opportunity if you choose to test. The tests will be given at Community Presbyterian Church in the Back Building. You’ll need to bring your student for a 2-hour period for 4 days (Tuesday through Friday). Cost for each test is $30. We’ll need your student’s name and grade level when you turn in your order to the school office by Tuesday, March 12.
Our test provider uses 2018 norms for the Stanford test. This comparison group has a much higher number of private school students than the 2002 norms in use previously. The new ratio, where private school students far outnumber public school students, makes it more difficult for a student to receive a high percentile rank.
Also, if you’re interested in testing, but bringing your student to Moody is not possible, there are online testing options. Here are a few opportunities that we know about; there may be more. Just check them out for yourself, to see if this is a better option for your family.
(Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
For students in grades 11-12, and graduates
Tuesday April 16, 12:30 – 4 pm
Test results: TBA
CPC Back Building
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program provides high-quality career exploration and planning materials at no cost to high schools throughout the country. The program encourages students to explore a wide variety of careers, rather than limiting their exploration by telling them what they can or should do. Students explore occupations in line with their interests and skills and develop effective strategies to realize their career goals.
The ASVAB test covers eight areas including science, word knowledge, mathematics, and mechanical comprehension. It assesses a student’s ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. The Find Your Interests (FYI) inventory is a 90- item interest inventory based on John Holland’s widely accepted theory of career choice. When students complete the FYI, they have three interest codes to use with the OCCU-Find for career exploration. The OCCU-Find contains 400+ occupations sorted by interest codes so students can identify the occupations that match their own interests. For more information, go to
Please sign up by contacting the office via email or phone.
No cost, but we do need to know who and how many plan to attend. Check your calendar and only sign up if you are sure you want your student to take the test. We only have 30 slots available.
School Pictures
Friday, March 1 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
CPC – Sanctuary Side
Prices – See below: (Must be paid that day – you can see the photo on the camera to approve)
Do your students’ grandparents ask you for school pictures? They get them from all their public schooled grandchildren, don’t they? Well, we provide the opportunity for your homeschooled student to have school pictures made.
We also need your students’ picture for the yearbook! So even if you do not want to purchase a package, please come, and have your school-age students picture taken so we will have a record of them in our 2023-24 yearbook.
Trenity Whitfield is a Crossroads mom who is a professional photographer.
Prices: (Must be paid that day – you can see the photo on the camera to approve)
$45 | Package A, 1 8×10, 2 5×7, 8 wallets
$45 | Package B, 4 5×7, 8 wallets
$45 | Package C, 2 8×10, 8 wallets
$45 | Package D, 1 11×14
$50 | Digital File
Packages consist of one student only. Additional prints below can be added to any package from above.
$17 | Additional 8×10
$17 | Additional sheet of 5×7, (2) 5×7 total
$12 | Additional sheet of wallets
$17 | Additional sheet of 4×6, (3) 4×6 total
$50 | Additional 16×20 print
Yearbook Student Portrait Photo Submitted by You
If you choose to submit your own photo of your student for the student portrait section of the yearbook, please send it to the office email. Here is how:
First, take a picture of your student from the chest up. Then send it to the office email with your student’s name.
If you submit more than one student photo, make it clear which name goes with each photo by sending one email per student. We will upload it to the yearbook.
NOTE: We have had issues distinguishing student portrait pictures in the mass uploads for regular yearbook photo submissions. So please do not submit them there.
Please check Cheddar Up for the most updated information, registration deadlines, and other pertinent details. And, as always, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Sallie Albus, Activities Director
(205) 863-9585
Courtney Wrenn, Schoolwide Events Coordinator
(205) 863-9931
Kristy Rosenow, Field Trip Coordinator
(205) 413-7336
Virginia Tillery, Teen Events Coordinator
(205) 807-9966
Kaitlin Rich, Preschool Events Coordinator
(205) 405-0243
9 – Valentine Box Competition (Registration closed.)
24 – Senior Pick Dance (high school)
4 – SIFAT (junior high/high school)
25 – Noccalula Falls (preschool/elementary)
3 – Trussville Playstation (elementary)
10 – Mustang Museum (junior high)
11 – Burritt on the Mountain Days (preschool)
18 – Spring Formal
10 – May Day (schoolwide)
Visit Cheddar Up to register.
May Day
@ Moody Park Pavilion
Join us at the Moody City Park for a fun day of family activities. There will be something for everyone! More details to come.
Who: Crossroads Families
When: Friday, May 10, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $1 per family + 25 cents per game
Visit Cheddar Up to register.
No Place Like Noccalula!
@ Noccalula Falls
1450 Noccalula Road, Gadsden, AL 35904
Enjoy Noccalula! Families can walk through the botanical gardens, ride the train, and see the waterwheel and buildings from the 1700s. The park is reestablishing its animal habitats and has many new residents to visit! Adults and children alike can climb down into the rock formations near the top of the falls. View the beauty of the falls themselves from the overlook or by taking a moderate hike to the gorge at the base of the ninety-foot cascade of water. Come and spend the day together with us!
Who: Preschoolers – 6th Graders and parents/legal guardians
When: Monday, March 25, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (approximately)
Cost: $7 per student; $8 per adult
Let’s Play!
@ Trussville Playstation
411 Watterson Lane, Trussville, AL 35173
Come have some fun at the Trussville Playstation. Spend TWO hours skating and playing unlimited laser tag with your friends. Adults may also pay and play. It will sure be a great time for all!
Who: 1st – 6th Graders and parents/legal guardians
When: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $12* per participant (all skaters and/or laser tag players pay)
*Upgrades available as described in Cheddar Up.
Spring Farm Days!
@ Burritt on the Mountain
3101 Burritt Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801
Burritt’s Spring Farm Days are an exciting time to visit barnyard animals, learn about life on the farm, and experience historic skills and chores of the 1800s. We will have hands-on experiences at approximately twenty different stations, such as mattress stuffing and butter churning. Explore the historical park’s six restored cabins, a blacksmith’s shop, a farm, and a schoolhouse. Join us for this amazing day of learning!
Who: Preschoolers – 2nd Graders and parents/legal guardians
When: Thursday, April 11, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Cost: $12 per person (all attendees pay)
Visit Cheddar Up to register.
February Eras Dance
@ CPC Gym
Who: 9th – 12th Graders (ages 14-19)
When: Saturday, February 24, 2024
6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
Cost: $15 per student; CRCS SENIORS—FREE!
What is the Eras Dance?
Is this a Taylor Swift dance? NO!
Is this a nostalgia dance for our current seniors? YES!
Dress like you did when you were a kid, or as a favorite childhood character. Mrs. Virginia expects to see some Wild Kratts, Strawberry Shortcakes, Diegos, Laura Ingalls Wilders, and more! Lean into your “childhood era.”
Is this a decades dance? ALSO, YES!
Go back to an era you would like to represent. Perhaps, you’ll give a nod to the 1950s era, or maybe you’ll represent the Victorian period. Is Hamilton your thing? Now is your chance to be in your “Founding Father Era”!
If you have more questions, reach out to Mrs. Virginia.
Also, you have a song request and a song to go with it . . . where do you send it?
Cache SettingsAround The World Tour!
@ SIFAT’S Global Village
2944 County Road 113, Lineville, AL 36266
Join us as we tour the globe and visit homes representing nine different countries around the world. We will glimpse into the culture and have unique experiences, such as using a Bolivian sling shot, balancing equator eggs, crossing a South American rope bridge, and trying new foods. We will end the tour with a “Global Feast” that simulates world hunger statistics.
SIFAT (Servants in Faith and Technology) was founded in 1979 as a training center to meet basic human needs. The ministry has since expanded through conferences, campus programs, international teams, and more.
Who: 7th – 12th Graders and parents/legal guardians
When: Monday, March 4, 2024
9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Cost: $38 per person (all attendees pay)
Horse Power or Horsepower!
@ Mustang Museum of America
49 Forman Farm Road, Odenville, AL 35120
We’re talking the 4-wheeled kind of horsepower with over one hundred Mustang cars under one roof along with a huge display of relevant, historical memorabilia. We will also see the unique models of Highway Patrol Mustangs and other rare SSP (Special Service Package) Mustangs.
After touring the museum, we will head to Odenville City Park for a picnic lunch and time to enjoy each other’s company!
Who: 7th – 8th Graders and parents/legal guardians
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $6 per person (all attendees pay) + lunch
Spring Formal
“On the Mountain”
@ Micah’s Meadow ~ Mathews Manor
3279 US Highway 11, Springville, AL 35146
Who: 9th – 12th Graders and approved guests
When: Thursday, April 18, 2024
6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
[Arrive at 5 p.m. to take pictures.]
Cost: $60 per person [Dinner included.]
Icy mountain streams, lush green grass, meadows of glistening Edelweiss, and mountain peaks jutting into a bright, blue sky are the inspiration of this year’s Spring Formal! While we may not be in the Alps, the beautiful setting of Mathew’s Manor will carry our high schoolers to an evening celebration nearing the end of the academic year. We will honor our graduating seniors with a special processional, and the students will then enjoy dinner, dancing, and fun making memories together.
Specific guidelines regarding attire and stipulations for non-Crossroads guests are in Cheddar Up.
Ballroom Dance Class
@ CPC Gym
Ballroom dancing not only teaches the skill of dancing but also etiquette. It helps promote confidence and self-esteem. It builds coordination, grace, poise, and good posture. And, of course, dancing is great exercise. Our lead instructor, Chris Bailey, has an exemplary record of teaching and performing. So, with all these positives, come “cut a rug” with your friends!
Who: 9th – 12th Grade CRCS Students who are at least 14 years old
When: Most Fridays (see dates below)
1:30 – 2:40 p.m.
Cost: $15 yearly registration fee per student and $5 per lesson
[Payment occurs weekly at the time of the lesson unless you have made the “Full Semester Payment” on Cheddar Up.]
Schedule (subject to change):
February 9, 16
March 1, 8, 22
April 5, 12
Here’s to a Brighter February
February is known by many as the homeschool burnout month. Anybody weary? Anybody feeling like they want to throw in the towel? Ready for spring? Well, you are not alone. There are a lot of reasons that play into it. January was a great month. You were all rested….you did rest, right?….from your holiday off. All the decorations got put away and you enjoyed the last of those sweet treats and yummy hot chocolate! You started 2024 off fresh and ready to tackle the new year. You started some of the new year’s projects you wanted to tackle. The kids got to play with their fresh new science kits and art projects. But then February rolls around.
It is cold and dark! One day may be 14 degrees but wait….in 48 hours it will be 68 degrees! Welcome to Alabama. The inspiration for those projects has waned, the kids’ new kits do not hold their interest quite like they did in January, and the new curriculum you decided to try mid-year is being met with frustration by everyone, including you.
Well, the good news is that this is pretty normal. Wow! THAT is the GOOD news? Yes. It is OK and it will pass. Hang in there. It is a tough time of year. You have taught numerous lessons to your children, graded tests and reports, read how many books aloud to your children and to yourself, plus created numerous lesson plans week in and week so and it is normal to be a bit overwhelmed when the last “technical” break was in December and the next one is spring break. That can seem like forever away.
February can be the most difficult month to stay strong and power through, but I think that with some planning and a mind shift, February can be a month to enjoy instead of just enduring. Let’s throw in bit of Valentine’s chocolate and it may even be a stellar month. Here are some ideas to sweeten and put some fun into your February.
- Take a rest: In our Teatime Rest class for Moms in co-op we have been talking about how important it is for us moms to rest. We need to take care of ourselves. Rest may look different for each person but some great ideas that were thrown out in the class included reading a book, having a cup of tea or coffee, go for a walk, garden indoors or out, visit a coffee shop with a friend, or take a nap. Even 10 minutes to breathe can make a huge difference. Be intentional.
- Take a break from school: It does not mean you ditch everything. But we have plenty of time built into our yearly calendar to take a day or a week off. Your kids will not suffer from a little time off. Your lesson plans will be waiting for you when you return but you will come back refreshed.
- Have a “Pursue Your Interest” Day: Set aside formal schooling for a day a let your students pursue whatever interests them the most. Maybe LEGOs will top the list for some, and others will want to cook, watch informational videos, or play games together. Maybe take a trip to the library and have each student pick their favorite topic and check out a few books to peruse.
- Go on a Field Trip: Field trips can be a great way to break the routine and get out of the house and do some exploring. Get your kids involved in looking into some off the beaten path field trips. Pack a cooler with lunch, museum memberships, blankets, field guides, nature notebooks, binoculars, frisbee, or whatever fits and take off. It is a great way to get to know our great state a bit better.
- Host a gameschooling day: Pull out all the games in your cabinet and set out snacks. Invite some of your kids friends and other homeschool moms who may be having a hard month. Put on some fun music and make some memories.
- Get outside each day: I have family that lives in Denmark. They have a saying: “There is no such things as bad weather, just bad clothing.” It is true. Wrap up in your warmest clothing, or short sleeves depending on the particular day, and head outside to get fresh air and some Vitamin D. Go for a walk or a hike. We are privileged to live in an area with some great parks and nature preserves with several hiking/walking trails that have something for everyone. Or just walk around in your neighborhood. Just being outside can benefit both our mental and physical wellbeing.
So, I am hoping your February will be sweet and you and your family will make some wonderful memories. I would love to hear the ideas you come up with this month. As February progresses, share something that your family does to help change February from burnout to brighter.
Jenny Bartz is the administrator of Crossroads Christian School.
Elementary Choir
The choir meets on the Fridays that there is Co-op. We meet in the sanctuary from 12:45 to 2:00. Since there is no Co-op on February 2 or 9, we will not meet those dates.
7th-9th Grade Musical
Rehearsals: Fridays January 12 through March 15 2:45-4:45 unless otherwise noted on your schedule.
Tech Week: March 18th-21st
Performances: March 22nd & 23rd
Where: The Depot in Springville
Tickets: Will be on CheddarUp. Information coming soon!
Cast: Check emails for details, info and updates
Contact: Ms. Jessica – (205) 613-7011 and Ms. Jennifer – (205) 999-8558
It’s a Madhouse
10th-12th Grade Play
Rehearsals: Fridays January 12-April 19 2:45 – 4:45 per schedule given to cast.
Tech Week: April 22 – 24
Performances: April 25 – 28 at ACTA. Times and ticket info coming in March.
Cast: Check emails for updates!
Contact: Karen Cunningham (205) 753-6953
Co-op Registration Information
Registration for spring has closed and classes are underway! Please make note of the no co-op days on the calendar.
Check our website for information:
If you have any questions please email us at
Upper Room
Friday, February 2, 2024
12-1:30 p.m.
7th – 12 Grade
Led by Brandon Ellis – Crossroads Board Member and CRCS Dad
Meet in the gym at noon for fellowship as we have lunch together. Then we will transition into a time of study and prayer. It is a great time to connect with others, learn and lift each other up in prayer.
CRCS will facilitate the lunch. To do that, we need help. There will be a FB event with the menu and parents will sign up to bring food. That is usually posted the week before each event. We also will need volunteers to help with the set-up, serving of the food, and clean up. If you can volunteer, please contact the office or reply on the FB post when it is created. We can NOT do it without you.
Key Club News!
The CRCS Key Club members keep on serving in their homes, school, communities, nation, and world. We had a good number of volunteers at The Red Barn on two different occasions last month. We plan to schedule some more serve days there as well. Be sure to look for the sign-up sheets at the meetings.
Also, in January, many of our members helped or performed at the first Crossroads dinner theatre event. As the spring semester continues to unfold, here are a couple of more opportunities:
Valentine Box Competition
In place of our next meeting, we will serve at the annual Valentine Box Competition on February 9th. Many of you signed up at the last meeting to let us know that you plan to be there to help. [Thank you!]
If you have not signed up yet but want to help, you should contact Lane Albus or Sallie Albus to get your name on the list. We will need many hands that day. Also, it helps with our planning when you plan ahead and let us know you’re coming. Just showing up may leave you without a real assignment. TIA.
Please note that there will likely be some gap time between the end of the Valentine Box Competition and ballroom dance class. If any CRCS Key Club members or high school students would like to “lunch and linger” in the gym during that time, Sallie Albus will have some supervising adults available.
District Convention (DCON)
Super-exciting happenings are always coming up with Key Club, like District Convention, or DCON. This year, DCON will take place in Birmingham from March 15-17th. We are encouraging as many Key Club members as possible to attend. It is a fun weekend of dances, social gatherings, great food, District business, competitions, and more. We will have the opportunity to enter several competitions, such as video, talent, speech, scrapbook, etc. We hope to see you there!
Just in case you are thinking to yourself, “Now, how do I get info about that DCON thing?” . . . As we always say, the best way to know what is happening with YOUR student-led Key Club is to attend the meetings, ask questions, and participate. Please don’t hesitate to contact your student president-Lane Albus, your grade rep, or the faculty advisor with your questions, ideas, thoughts, and concerns.
Also, find us on Facebook and on Instagram at CRCS Key Club.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Lane Albus, Student President
Sallie Albus, Faculty Advisor
Key Club is an international service organization that is led by high school students, which encourages leadership through serving others. Crossroads has over one hundred Key Clubbers who serve their homes, school, communities, and God through both organized and informal service opportunities.
9 – Valentine Box Competition (service)
23 – Key Club Meeting
8 – Key Club Meeting
15-17 – District Convention (DCON) in Birmingham
22 – Key Club Meeting & Elections (must be present to run for office)
12 – Key Club Meeting
26 – Key Club Meeting
10 – May Day (service) and Key Club Awards Ceremony
Builders Club
Friday, February 9, 2024
12:30 – 1:30
Youth Room above Gym
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Day (205)999-8558 or
Eta Sigma Alpha Honor Society
Eta Sigma Alpha is the first honor society established exclusively for homeschooled students in Grades 9-12. The purpose of Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society is to recognize and encourage scholarship among homeschool students. A candidate for membership must meet all of the requirements set forth at as well as requirements described on the local chapter application. Eta Sigma Alpha offers a variety of social and service opportunities throughout the year.
Please contact faculty advisor Wendy Cornett to request an application (or with any additional questions) at 205-352-8196 or by email.
Yearbook Staff
3rd Friday – February 16
12:30 – 1:30.
Back Building
Advisors: Jenny Bartz or Trenity Whilfield
4-H Club
Tuesday, February 6, 2024.
4-H programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by doing. Involvement in 4-H includes hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and civic engagement, all in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one focus area, or they can try a variety of programs throughout their 4-H experience. Regardless of the project area, all 4-H programs include mentoring and career readiness as core elements. This year, our club focus will be STEM experiments and activities!
For more information, contact Alayna Jackson, 4-H Agent and check out our Facebook page.
The CC Flyers Running Club will begin its Spring Season Kick Off with registration on Monday February 26 at Moody Park. The club is open to girls and boys ages 6 thru 18.
Workouts are held at Moody Park on Monday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday mornings at 8:00 a.m. The club offers a total physical fitness program that develops a child’s cardio-respiratory system, lower body strength, flexibility and balance. This is done through a progressive type running program that is customized for each child based on their current ability. In addition to running, body weight exercises and stretching routines are also incorporated. The CC Flyers Running program is not in competition with other sports programs but rather it complements them by improving one’s speed, reducing potential for injuries, and giving one the stamina to outperform in any type sports program. This program has also been found to be beneficial in ballet, dancing, singing and even for kids diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Cost is $30 per year per family. For more information please email: Coach Barry Trippe
East Central Patriots
East Central Homeschool Organized Sports provides opportunities for homeschooled kids to participate in a variety of sports in a Christian atmosphere! Some of our sports have a firm foundation with longstanding success, while startup programs are constantly changing the climate here at East Central. Excitement is at an all-time high! East Central provides excellent instruction and competition to over 200 junior and senior high school athletes.
East Central is affiliated with the ACSC – Alabama Christian Sports Conference. For more information about the Conference, required forms, and a calendar of important events, visit their website.
East Central is a non-profit corporation exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Join us today! Need more information? Be sure to contact us. We are here to serve the Crossroads Community! For more information contact Daniel Smith – Athletic Director – 205-585-0955.
Contact Information:
Feel free to contact us at the email addresses below, depending on the concern.
Office: (General Communications)
Records: (Records, Grades, Transcripts, etc.)
Accounting: (Financial)
OFFICE HOURS: Crossroads office has regular office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 3 pm. Call and leave a message, and we’ll return your phone call. E-mail is always a good way to get in touch with us, almost any time!
TUITION: All Crossroads families will receive a monthly email reminder (through QuickBooks Online) on the last day of each month about next month’s tuition. It is due by the 15th of each month. There is a link through the QuickBooks e-mail to pay tuition from your bank to the Crossroads bank and you can pay for more than one month at a time. School year 2023-24 began on June 1, 2023 for Returning Families. Tuition for New Families who joined over the summer begins in August. You always have the option of paying by cash or check at faculty meetings or in the office. And you can mail checks also. We do not accept credit cards. If you believe there is a discrepancy, please contact the office so we can verify. If you are not receiving the QuickBooks e-mail, please let us know that also.
TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS: If you need a transcript for any reason, the first step is to go to our website, and under records, fill out the transcript request form. Lori Booth, our registrar, will send your transcript where you have requested. She will also contact you if she has any questions. Feel free to contact her with any questions you may have as well. If we have to prepare a transcript from scratch, it may take up to two weeks to produce it, depending on work volume. So don’t wait until the last minute to make that transcript request, and remember we need your up-to-date records before we can do it!
WORK PERMITS: Under the current state law, work permits are no longer required for your teenager. If a 14YO or 15YO is working, he or she must provide an Eligibility to Work form to employers, which can be obtained from the Crossroads office. Students 16 years or older do not need anything from the school. For more information, check the Child Labor Law .
DRIVERS PERMIT and DRIVERS LICENSE: If your student plans to take the driver’s permit or driver’s license test, the student must provide proof of school enrollment. Contact the school office for a ALEA form 1-93 enrollment/exclusion form. Or, call and request that we mail it to you. These forms will also be available at faculty meetings.