Newsletter – April 2024

  /  Newsletter – April 2024

From your Administrator

Spring is here. I can tell from the green film on my car!  What a glorious time of year in spite of that sludge!  I hope you are taking time to breathe. No pun intended.  As the end of the year gets closer, we may feel the crunch of getting things completed. Hang in there!  You are almost there.


Newsletter_Things You Need to Know Now


By this time, you should have filed your students’ grades for quarters 1, 2, and 3 for this school year. By June 15 you should complete a Quarter 4 report as well as an End-of-Year summary report. We often have families who forget either the 4th quarter or the End-of -Year report. Both are required.

If you have missed an earlier quarter, submit it today.

If your student is graduating this year, the deadline to turn in the Quarter 4 and EOY report is Friday,  May 10th  so that we will have time to review this information for all graduates.

If you have any questions, contact the school office

Returning Family Registration Opens on May 1, 2024.

If you plan to return to Crossroads next year, you must complete the Returning Family Registration right away once it opens. The deadline is June 15. All returning families must re-register. Please do not wait. We need to know our numbers going into June as we open to new families.

Tuition for the current school year ends in May; tuition for the school year 2024-2025 begins in June. We do have year-round tuition. Tuition is $40 per month per family. Tuition commitment for the current year must be fulfilled before re-registering.

If you are NOT returning to Crossroads for the 2024-2025 school year, we need to know so we can prepare required paperwork. 

New Family Registration opens May 1, 2024.

Considering joining Crossroad for the 2024-2025 school year?  Look at our website and read our Parental Requirements and Doctrinal Beliefs. If CRCS seems like a good fit for your family, complete a New Family Registration which can be found on the website. Even if you have been enrolled elsewhere, and are returning to Crossroads, use the New Family registration. We still need to interview you and complete paperwork. We will begin New Family interviews sometime in June and will contact everyone by phone to schedule this. There is a $35 registration fee due at interview time, and then your New Family tuition begins in August. 

Preschool Family Registration

If your oldest child is not older than 6 years old before December 31, 2024, you do not have to enroll in a church school… yet. So, we do provide the Preschool Family option for those of you who want to affiliate with Crossroads before it’s time to enroll officially. You can participate in field trips for a one-time fee of $40 per year. If your student is in K5 or 1st grade and you wish to participate in Co-op, you must join as a New Family and pay full tuition. 

If your child is 6 years old, you do have to notify your school district that you are “opting out” of enrolling in a school until your child turns 7 years old.

Important Dual Enrollment and Grade Submission

If you have a student taking Dual Enrollment, you will need to report those grades on your quarterly submission. We understand you will not have a grade when you turn in the first quarter, but you still need to report what course your student is taking. In the comment section on the grade submission report, put that it is a Dual Enrollment course, and that you will give the grade at the end of the semester…either quarter 2 or quarter 4. Then in May/June, when you turn in your End of the Year form, make sure you have the Dual Enrollment course/s listed with the credit earned.


Graduating Seniors/Parents, make sure you have submitted your pictures for the PowerPoint by Tuesday, April 23, 2024. You can scan your pictures and submit via email to We will not be able to accept late submissions.

Make sure you have also turned in your Yearbook form as well.


Thursday, May 9, 10 a.m. 
Tuesday, May 28, 1 p.m.
Community Presbyterian Church – Gym Side

Do you have friends or family who are thinking about homeschooling next year? 

Crossroads offers a FREE seminar to share information with those who are investigating this educational option. This seminar lasts about 1-1/2 hours and covers Alabama state law, how church schools fit in, some of the specifics about Crossroads Christian School, curricula choices, and a little bit on recordkeeping. 

Attending does not obligate anyone to homeschool, or to join Crossroads. We want to get out the word about homeschooling, but since we do not have a lot of 1-hour blocks of time to talk individually with families, we have scheduled the first two of several Homeschooling 101 seminars. We will schedule more before the summer ends! Spread the word!


Thursday, May 9, 1 p.m. 
Community Presbyterian Church – Gym side

Questions about whether or not you are prepared to teach your children all the way through high school? 

A lot of families do, so we’ll try to answer those questions at this seminar in May, and then again in August (date TBA). As homeschoolers, you actually have a great deal of latitude in how you educate, but it does help to plan ahead of time. 

This seminar is to introduce you to new ideas, ways of doing things, options for navigating high school to individualize instruction for your students. We also cover some of the nuts and bolts about high school: how to determine credits if you’re designing your own courses, Alabama state diploma requirements, dual enrollment courses at local community colleges, vocational education. If you have students going into 8th grade and above, please join us for this free seminar.

Contact the school office to let us know you plan to attend.

Coffee Connections: Encouragement for Moms of Students with learning differences.

Meetings are held at the home of Jessica Gilbert, 205-352-7897
940 Honeysuckle Lane, Leeds, Alabama 35094 (Yellow House on Honeysuckle) 

April 30- Taco Tuesday at Mangos 

Join the Remind Thread for announcements and text/email reminders of upcoming meetings: 


TEXT: @bcb6784

Kiwanis Pancake Cook-Off
Saturday, May 11 from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Moody Park
$7 entry fee

Join us for our first ever Pancake Cook-Off.  Teams will be griddling up and cooking loads of pancakes.  Come and taste and be a part of something to benefit children in our communities.  Kiwanis is an international organization working to improve the lives of children, one community at a time.   Our Key Club and Builders Club are sponsored by this wonderful organization.

Crossroads hopes to have a tent and be cooking as well. If you are interested in helping in our tent, contact Jenny Bartz at

If you have a business that would like to be a part of this great endeavor, contact Jenny Bartz and she will connect you to what you will need.  We have two levels of sponsorship.

Beat the rush: order and pay for your 2023-2024 yearbook at the faculty meeting or at CheddarUp. The cost is still $40.

Ads in our yearbook help us keep the cost at $40. Please consider putting an ad in our yearbook this year. Contact either Jenny Bartz or Trinity Whitfield.


The yearbook team is hitting crunch time!  We need your photos to complete the pages.  Look at your photos and pick the best of the best and submit them today.  We need those Individual Arts pictures of your students’ dance recital or art project! We need that Trail Life photo of your student out camping or earning a badge.  We need the Individual Sports picture of your student playing a sport!  How about Home Activity with your student doing school at home!  Bottom line…we need your photos!

Here is the link but remember you can ALWAYS find this link on our website.

Please use the code: CROSSROADS2015

Date: April 13, 2024

Time: 9:30 am – 3:30 pm (doors open at 9:00 am for check-in)

Description: This conference is designed to help give parents insight, practical help, and principles in raising children (0-18 years of age) as they face the sexual confusion of our culture. This is for soon-to-be parents, grandparents, and parents who have children of all ages. Each session will address how to engage and disciple our children in each phase and stage of life.

Details and sign up can be found here.


(Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)

For students in grades 11-12, and graduates
Tuesday April 16, 12:30 – 4 pm
Test results: TBA
CPC Back Building

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program provides high-quality career exploration and planning materials at no cost to high schools throughout the country. The program encourages students to explore a wide variety of careers, rather than limiting their exploration by telling them what they can or should do. Students explore occupations in line with their interests and skills and develop effective strategies to realize their career goals.

The ASVAB test covers eight areas including science, word knowledge, mathematics, and mechanical comprehension. It assesses a student’s ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. The Find Your Interests (FYI) inventory is a 90- item interest inventory based on John Holland’s widely accepted theory of career choice. When students complete the FYI, they have three interest codes to use with the OCCU-Find for career exploration. The OCCU-Find contains 400+ occupations sorted by interest codes so students can identify the occupations that match their own interests. For more information, go to

Please sign up by contacting the office via email or phone.

No cost, but we do need to know who and how many plan to attend. Check your calendar and only sign up if you are sure you want your student to take the test. We only have 30 slots available.

Yearbook Student Portrait Photo Submitted by You

If you choose to submit your own photo of your student for the student portrait section of the yearbook, please send it to the office email. Here is how:

First, take a picture of your student from the chest up. Then send it to the office email with your student’s name.

If you submit more than one student photo, make it clear which name goes with each photo by sending one email per student. We will upload it to the yearbook.

NOTE: We have had issues distinguishing student portrait pictures in the mass uploads for regular yearbook photo submissions. So please do not submit them there.


Saturday July 13, 9 am to 1 pm
Set up on Friday July 12, 2-4 pm AND Saturday July 13, 8-9 am
CPC-Back Building

Put it on your calendar and make plans to sell and buy. Details will be in May newsletter.

Newsletter_CRCS Activities


Please check Cheddar Up for the most updated information, registration deadlines, and other pertinent details. And, as always, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Sallie Albus, Activities Director

(205) 863-9585

Courtney Wrenn, Schoolwide Events Coordinator

(205) 863-9931

Kristy Rosenow, Field Trip Coordinator

(205) 413-7336

Virginia Tillery, Teen Events Coordinator

(205) 807-9966

Kaitlin Rich, Preschool Events Coordinator

(205) 405-0243




3 – Trussville Playstation (Registration closed.)

10 – Mustang Museum (Registration closed.)

11 – Burritt on the Mountain Days (Registration closed.)

18 – Spring Formal (Registration closed.)



10 – May Day (schoolwide) (Register by April 26th)


Visit Cheddar Up to register.


May Day

            @ Moody Park Pavilion

Join us at the Moody City Park for a fun day of family activities. We will be at the large pavilion and lawn near the playground and tennis courts. There will be something for everyone!

Who: Crossroads Families

When: Friday, May 10, 2024

                        10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Cost: $1 per family + 25 cents per game

Please note the general schedule:

  • 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.—Key Club will have all sorts of carnival type booths with games, the “jail,” and more.  
  • 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.—Field Day games, such as relays, sack races, etc. 
  • 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.—Backyard games, Key Club booths, and lunch at your family’s leisure. There will be activities for all ages, such as bubbles, corn hole, life-size Jenga, etc.  

Please be prepared to pay a nominal fee at the Key Club booths as a fundraiser for the yearly projects [The Red Barn, Children’s Hospital, Erika’s Lighthouse].

Remember to bring easy-up tents, chairs, picnic lunches, water, sunscreen, dads, granny, gramps, and pocket change!

Ballroom Dance Class

@ CPC Gym


Ballroom dancing not only teaches the skill of dancing but also etiquette. It helps promote confidence and self-esteem. It builds coordination, grace, poise, and good posture. And, of course, dancing is great exercise. Our lead instructor, Chris Bailey, has an exemplary record of teaching and performing. So, with all these positives, come “cut a rug” with your friends!



Who: 9th – 12th Grade CRCS Students who are at least 14 years old

When: Most Fridays (see dates below)

                 1:30 – 2:40 p.m.

Cost: $15 yearly registration fee per student and $5 per lesson

[Payment occurs weekly at the time of the lesson unless you have made the “Full Semester Payment” on Cheddar Up.]

Schedule (subject to change):

April 5, 12

A Mama Sabath

I was talking with a fellow homeschool mom recently about where we find our contentment in this marathon we’ve been called to run. She is a season ahead of me and has started the college search with her eldest child. She has put sweat, tears, and money into providing a rigorous education for all of her children, but it seems like her son is lacking motivation, direction, or concern about his future. His GPA is average; his ACT score is not great; he forgets to turn in assignments or study well for a test. She confessed to me, “I’m really struggling with the lack of fruit I see from the years of effort I have put in and sacrifices I have made. Pray that I feel God’s complete affirmation of me simply for walking in obedience, and not feeling entitled for certain results as if they were the quotient to an algebraic problem.”

We have all found ourselves in that position at one point or another, haven’t we? I know I have struggled with fatigue and disillusionment in the last year. I’ve had two kids diagnosed with learning disorders, one with a medical condition that has significantly impacted her learning, and another coming up the pipeline with all the signs of ADHD. To say that I have questioned God’s call upon me at certain points would be an understatement. Some days I want to pull the covers over my head and lament, “This is not what I signed up for!”

So, what keeps us running this homeschool marathon when the curveballs keep coming or the waters keep deepening? For me, it’s something called a Mama Sabbath. A fellow missionary mom introduced me to this concept several years ago and has held me accountable to making this form of Rest a regular part of my school year rhythm. It involves getting away for 24-48 hours every quarter or semester simply for the purpose of recharging my batteries and re-connecting with the Lord. I get away with my computer, a book, my Bible, and journal (ie: my five loaves and two fish), and expect that God is going to feed my soul with all the nourishment it needs. Maybe you can’t get away for an overnight. Maybe it’s just a regular, smaller chunk of time carved out for silence and solitude. However you choose to make it happen, Mama Sabbath is a necessary part of staying in the game. These are the “water stations” along the marathon route.

Might I suggest, mamas, that Lent might be the perfect time to institute a rhythm of intentional rest into our schedules? This is the season in which many choose to give up a simple luxury in order to remind ourselves of Christ’s suffering on our behalf. His sacrifice is completely sufficient to meet all of our needs, and there are needs we have that only He is meant to fulfill. Do you know which ones those are? Have you taken the time to ask for His discernment, and the courage to surrender that which we are not meant to carry? What about making room to hear His praise over you by getting away from all of the noise, distraction, and demands that homeschooling requires of us? If you don’t have the time for a Mama Sabbath then you are the one most in need of it.

Weary moms, I am in your camp. Let me remind you of the words Paul gives us in Romans 8:11. “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” The promise is sure. He is faithful. He saw every one of your days when He called you to motherhood and this marathon called homeschooling. More than that, He’s waiting to fill your cup with goodness and truth. Let’s make room to embrace it.

Lauren Webber is one of our CRCS Moms serving as a missionary in Chogoria, Kenya with her husband Derek and their kids, Olive, Lucy, Jack and Ivy.

Newsletter_CRCS Fine Arts

Elementary Choir   

Date: Friday, April 19, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM
Where: Community Presbyterian Church – Sanctuary

Mark Your Calendar for our Performance – Join us for a night of musical praise to the Name above all names. 

It’s a Madhouse

10th – 12th Grade Play

This year we had a record number of seniors involved in the play.  We had enough to do a split cast and run two shows. The students are enjoying practicing together and will serve as understudies if needed.  So, our showtimes look a little different this year. We encourage you to come to both shows to support our CRCS students.

Performances will be at ACTA in Trussville April 25 – 28.
Tickets will open on Cheddar Up on April 8.

10th & 11th Grade                                12th Grade

Thursday (25th) 7 pm                          Friday (26th) 7pm

Saturday (27th) 7 pm                           Saturday (27th) 3:30

Sunday (28th) 2 pm                             Sunday (28th) 4:30

(Cast needs to keep ALL times free in case they are needed as an understudy)

Cast:  Check emails for updates! 

Contact:  Karen Cunningham (205) 753-6953

Co-op Registration Information

Registration for spring has closed and classes are underway! Please make note of the no co-op days on the calendar.

Check our website for information: 

If you have any questions please email us at 

Upper Room

Friday, April 5, 2024
12-1:30 p.m.
7th – 12 Grade
Led by Brandon Ellis – Crossroads Board Member and CRCS Dad

Meet in the gym at noon for fellowship as we have lunch together. Then we will transition into a time of study and prayer. It is a great time to connect with others, learn and lift each other up in prayer.

CRCS will facilitate the lunch. To do that, we need help. There will be a FB event with the menu and parents will sign up to bring food. That is usually posted the week before each event. We also will need volunteers to help with the set-up, serving of the food, and clean up. If you can volunteer, please contact the office or reply on the FB post when it is created. We can NOT do it without you.

Key Club News!

Crossroads Key Club has remained active throughout the year, especially in March. We have gradually been inching our way toward our fundraising goals and hope to reach all three by the year’s end.

Nine members also represented us well at the annual District Convention (DCON), and many others contributed so that we brought home the following awards:

  • Judge John H. White Achievement Award – FIRST PLACE
  • Distinguished Club Award
  • Digital Poster – SECOND PLACE
  • Table Decoration – THIRD PLACE
  • Video Contest – THIRD PLACE
  • Early Bird Patch for paying dues.
  • One of the top 5 clubs in overall donations (over the years) to Children’s Hospital.
  • Emma Brunson, Edie McKibben, and Lane Albus won scholarships!

We have also elected our officers for the 2024-2025 school year. Congratulations to the following officer-elects:

President – Roark McKibben

Vice President – Andrew McGowan

Treasurer – William Rea

Editor/Webmaster – Cody Albus

Chaplain – Gracie Gilbert 


Our next meeting is April 12th. We will be making plans and assignments for May Day. This event draws over 200 Crossroads folks and is a great way for us to serve our school and community. Please bring individually wrapped candies (no chocolates) to our April club meetings in preparation for May Day.

And, finally, as we always say, the best way to know what is happening with YOUR student-led Key Club is to attend the meetings, ask questions, and participate. Please don’t hesitate to contact your student president-Lane Albus, your grade rep, or the faculty advisor with your questions, ideas, thoughts, and concerns.

Also, find us on Facebook at CRCS Key Club. [Our Instagram account is currently “under construction.”]

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Lane Albus, Student President

Sallie Albus, Faculty Advisor

Key Club is an international service organization that is led by high school students, which encourages leadership through serving others. Crossroads has over one hundred Key Clubbers who serve their homes, school, communities, and God through both organized and informal service opportunities.




12 – Key Club Meeting
26 – Key Club Meeting


10 – May Day (service) and Key Club Awards Ceremony
11 – Kiwanis Pancake Cook-off (service)

Builders Club

Friday, April 12, 2024
12:30 – 1:30
Youth Room above Gym

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Day (205)999-8558 or

Eta Sigma Alpha Honor Society

Eta Sigma Alpha is the first honor society established exclusively for homeschooled students in Grades 9-12.  The purpose of Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society is to recognize and encourage scholarship among homeschool students.  A candidate for membership must meet all of the requirements set forth at as well as requirements described on the local chapter application.  Eta Sigma Alpha offers a variety of social and service opportunities throughout the year.

Please contact faculty advisor Wendy Cornett to request an application (or with any additional questions) at 205-352-8196 or by email.

Yearbook Staff 

3rd Friday –  April 19  
12:30 – 1:30.
Back Building

Advisors: Jenny Bartz or Trenity Whilfield

4-H Club

Tuesday, April 2, 2024.

4-H programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by doing. Involvement in 4-H includes hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and civic engagement, all in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one focus area, or they can try a variety of programs throughout their 4-H experience. Regardless of the project area, all 4-H programs include mentoring and career readiness as core elements. This year, our club focus will be STEM experiments and activities!

For more information, contact Alayna Jackson, 4-H Agent and check out our Facebook page.


The CC Flyers Running Club had its Spring Season kick off meeting on Monday February 26 at Moody Park. The club is open to girls and boys ages 6 thru 18. Workouts are held at Moody Park on Monday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Interested runners can still sign up. For more information please email: Coach Barry Trippe

East Central Patriots

East Central Homeschool Organized Sports provides opportunities for homeschooled kids to participate in a variety of sports in a Christian atmosphere! Some of our sports have a firm foundation with longstanding success, while startup programs are constantly changing the climate here at East Central. Excitement is at an all-time high! East Central provides excellent instruction and competition to over 200 junior and senior high school athletes.

East Central is affiliated with the ACSC – Alabama Christian Sports Conference. For more information about the Conference, required forms, and a calendar of important events, visit their website.

East Central is a non-profit corporation exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Join us today! Need more information? Be sure to contact us. We are here to serve the Crossroads Community! For more information contact Daniel Smith – Athletic Director – 205-585-0955.

Contact Information:

Feel free to contact us at the email addresses below, depending on the concern.

Office: (General Communications)

Records: (Records, Grades, Transcripts, etc.)

Accounting: (Financial)

OFFICE HOURS: Crossroads office has regular office hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 3 pm. Call and leave a message, and we’ll return your phone call. E-mail is always a good way to get in touch with us, almost any time!

TUITION: All Crossroads families will receive a monthly email reminder (through QuickBooks Online) on the last day of each month about next month’s tuition. It is due by the 15th of each month. There is a link through the QuickBooks e-mail to pay tuition from your bank to the Crossroads bank and you can pay for more than one month at a time. School year 2023-24 began on June 1, 2023 for Returning Families. Tuition for New Families who joined over the summer begins in August. You always have the option of paying by cash or check at faculty meetings or in the office. And you can mail checks also. We do not accept credit cards. If you believe there is a discrepancy, please contact the office so we can verify. If you are not receiving the QuickBooks e-mail, please let us know that also.

TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS: If you need a transcript for any reason, the first step is to go to our website, and under records, fill out the transcript request form. Lori Booth, our registrar, will send your transcript where you have requested. She will also contact you if she has any questions. Feel free to contact her with any questions you may have as well. If we have to prepare a transcript from scratch, it may take up to two weeks to produce it, depending on work volume. So don’t wait until the last minute to make that transcript request, and remember we need your up-to-date records before we can do it!

WORK PERMITS: Under the current state law, work permits are no longer required for your teenager. If a 14YO or 15YO is working, he or she must provide an Eligibility to Work form to employers, which can be obtained from the Crossroads office. Students 16 years or older do not need anything from the school. For more information, check the Child Labor Law .

DRIVERS PERMIT and DRIVERS LICENSE: If your student plans to take the driver’s permit or driver’s license test, the student must provide proof of school enrollment. Contact the school office for a ALEA form 1-93 enrollment/exclusion form. Or, call and request that we mail it to you. These forms will also be available at faculty meetings.